Clearing out and organizing garages can feel daunting any time of the year. So why would you choose the dreariest time of the year to dive into yours?
We’re here to tell you why winter is the absolute best time. Allow us to break it down by season:
Spring Garage Organization
After months of gray skies and soggy days, the sun is finally out! We’re ready for morning walks and outdoor dinners! So why would we want to lose any of that precious time stuck in the back corners of our garage?
Spring break is imminent, which means kid activities galore! Those weeks are jam-packed with day trips, visits with friends and a lot of family fun. Organizing a garage is no one’s idea of a good time (except ours).
Summer Garage Organization
Here in LA – just a mere two months after those refreshing spring breezes – it’s HOT. Think about triple-digit temperatures! And truly, nothing makes us want to schlep things less or lose our cool with our family members more than being drenched in sweat and covered in dust. Cooler weather makes it so much easier to tackle a big project in an often stuffy and cluttered space.
Also, school break is here again! That means family trips, summer camp and tons of outdoor activities. It’s extra hard to do a true assessment of our items when we’re low on time and currently using half of the gear (bikes, beach toys and picnic blankets galore) that lives in the garage.
Fall Garage Organization
With three kids each, every season is informed by what’s happening in the lives of our littles. Back-to-school season sneaks up on us every single year. In these first few months, we’re just getting into the swing of things, working out new schedules, and all the after school chauffeuring is adding up. The hours we have for non-kid, non-family and non-work tasks are incredibly limited – and garage organizing projects require big chunks of time for good progress.
Plus, the holidays are already looming! (Seriously, we feel like there should be a two-month break between each big holiday.)
While we’ve done this for clients on numerous occasions, a pre-winter garage cleaning project for yourself can feel really overwhelming. We’re likely all spending our free time planning, procuring, hosting family get-togethers, hauling out decorations and unearthing winter sports gear. It’s the most wonderful(ly crazy) time of the year that seems to just fly right by.
Late Winter Garage Organization
Here is where we hit our sweet spot!
Somewhere between January and March, our kids are in school, the holiday decor and hosting supplies are back in their bins, the camp gear is months away from being used, and we’re ready for a fresh start to the year.
In this time period, we’re usually able to carve out a day or two (please trust us, and give yourself more time than you think you need) to do a full edit, sort and systemization of our garages – just in time for the coming seasons.
For a thorough breakdown of garage organization, from start to finish, stay tuned for an upcoming post!
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