Suddenly, another summer has flown by. Summer camps, family visits, group outings, sunscreen and sticky popsicles… and just like that, we are already in back-to-school mode!
We’re sharing our top five tips for making the summer-to-school transition as smooth as possible.
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Consider where your children like to work and where they’re the most successful at staying tuned into their work. Maybe that’s at the kitchen table, on the couch or in another quiet space of the house. Prepare that area of your home by creating a supply station nearby with everything they’ll need to accomplish their homework.
If your little students prefer to move around while working, consider preparing a mobile homework cart or caddy that’s fully stocked. Make the process easy and fun — and hopefully there will be less homework battles!

This is an area that we believe ALL homes need — a home base for backpacks, sunglasses, keys and more. And during the school year, our kids especially need a designated home for all of their school books, recorders, soccer cleats, ballet slippers… you get the picture!
We suggest grabbing a few hooks or baskets to keep everything organized. The entryway of your house is likely an ideal spot for these, ensuring that there’s less of a chance that school items will drift off into the house and end up being misplaced or lost — which means less morning stress for you!
Who says that you have to pack so many lunches? We love that our kiddos can assist in the packing process now that they are a bit older. We have created “lunch zones” in our pantries and fridges by filling containers and spin trays with healthy lunch items that our kiddos are able to grab as they pack.

In addition to doing a little edit of your kids’ closets (pulling outgrown clothing and restocking with well-fitting, seasonally-appropriate items), another great space to organize before school begins is their bathroom. Make sure that all everyday items have a designated space. Toothbrush, toothpaste, retainer… check!
Drawer organizers are the perfect tool to keep these bathroom items tidy. Remember, the easier it is to find (and use) these items, the easier those mornings and evenings will be for everybody!
We’ve found that our kids are often more successful with a bit of structure, and morning routines are no different. Consider creating a general timeline for the start of the day that will set expectations for your children. What time do they need to wake up? Eat breakfast? Be ready to leave? (Pro Mom Tip = choose a time that’s at least 5 minutes before your actual required departure time to avoid any last-minute meltdowns).
Ensure that a copy of this schedule is visible for all members of your family so everyone is informed and can keep themselves accountable.
However you streamline your family’s back-to-school process this summer, we’re sending you good wishes for this new year ahead!
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A version of this blog was published by our friends at Lonny Magazine. You can read the original article here.
Cover image by Kiy Turk on Unsplash
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