In our world, it’s never too early to start planning for the holidays! We are thrilled to share our latest collaboration with some of the most talented professional organizers we know. Check out the article below, written by Ashely from O.C.D., which features holiday storage and organizing tips and solutions from three fellow organizing experts and yours truly. Wishing you all a peaceful and memorable holiday season ahead!
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~ J & K
Holiday Season is buying time; and when it comes to decorating for the holidays, we all tend to overbuy. What if we told you that you don’t have to anymore? Getting organized for the holidays means being organized. What would it be like to stay organized all throughout the holidays and even after they’ve ended?
The Holidays are a time for celebrating the season and family traditions. Stressing about being prepared simply should not be part of the season. “Knowing your holiday supply levels BEFORE the season begins is so important to truly be able to enjoy this time of year. No one wants to have to run out to the crowded shops to get another string of lights or additional napkins right before entertaining,” says Lili Pettit of Clutter Healing. Organizers often suggest using clear bins for organization to make seeing what is inside easier.
As organizers, we often go into homes that have all the right tools but that lack the right systems. When you edit your items first, it allows you take inventory of what you have which helps with the purging and planning process.
Taking everything out and sorting into categories is the best way to SEE what you have. One way to track your items is by using Sortly. The Sortly app* stores lists of your items, creating visual folders for you to reference. On the app, you can create custom QR labels and label all of your boxes.
When you are ready to use the items in the boxes, all you have to do is scan the labels, and the app will tell you exactly what is in each box. You’ll never open every box again to search for that “one” item!
Being disorganized often equals not knowing where things are, which in turn equals buying more.

Overbuying for the holidays is the most common frustration people have. How many times have you gone to the store to buy holiday napkins only to later find that they were hiding in a box in the garage? Space and money are often wasted on things you don’t need, and it adds up.
Jamie Hord of Horderly Professional Organizing says, “no need to procrastinate and go buy duplicates of what you already have.” After taking inventory of what you have, you then can store things by grouping them together. For example, store your holiday wrap separate from your other gift wrap. This will allow you to not only know how much you have, but also what is needed for the following season.
When you see everything you have by sorting it and taking inventory of it, you will realize how much you actually have. Once you have taken visual inventory, you will see how easy it is to get organized and jumpstart the organizing process.
The team behind Practically Perfect, Joni and Kitt, suggest editing your seasonal items as you pack them back up at the end of each season. “If there are any items that you didn’t use or love in the past season, it may be time to donate or recycle them. Any items that are damaged or broken should be fixed or eliminated. Taking inventory helps track items that need to be replaced for the following season and lets you know which items will be in ready-to-use condition.”
These tips can and will help get you ready for The Holidays. With the money and time you will save by getting organized and staying organized… go out and treat yourself. You’ve earned it!
*The Sortly app is only available on iOS (iPhone and iPad) in the Apple App Store, but you can also access it on the web. The company’s Android app will launch before the end of the year. Click here to download the app right now!
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